Category Archives: education

Site I Love:


A beautiful site, Viewchange, created by LinkTV,  highlights personal stories of social progress through video. Each video sensitively shows an individual or community’s positive experiences in the face of challenged education systems, inadequate access to water, or fighting against malnourishment among many other international issues. It’s great to see a glimmer of hope outshining the world’s most difficult issues.

Art On Demand


The art world is truly embracing the web and becoming accessible to everybody. There’s nothing like seeing art in person but these three sites are sure to educate and peak people’s interests.

At, view art in museums from around the world. You can select and create artwork to create your own collection. is “A collaboration of sites from Google Street View showcasing street art all over the globe.” You can view pics of street art that I’ve documented here.

Most of us in NY has had a friend visit and they’ve asked about all the crazy public art and architectural structures in Manhattan and most of the time we are pretty clueless. Now, we can be experts. has a public art catalogue for most of Manhattan and will soon include a catalogue of public art in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens. Twenty other U.S. cities have also hopped on board. Photos and podcasts are two of the cool features on the site.

Black Studies in Art and Design Education Symposium @ Parsons


The Black Studies in Art and Design Education conference will take place at the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at Parsons, 66 Fifth Avenue, and is free and open to the public. My mentor and undergrad graphic design professor, Michele Washington and her colleague, Mabel O. Wilson, will be on the Curricular Reform in the Foundation and Advanced Studio Courses panel on Saturday, March 26.